Lincolnshire SCITT

Information for Schools

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Video text: Lincolnshire ITT has had a role in secondary initial teacher training provision since 2015 and with our hub partners in primary provision since 2016. In that time, we are proud to have trained over 700 teachers, many of whom are working in your schools and academies today. We are driven to inspire the next generation of teachers to make a difference to the life chances of our young people.

The work to date has been characterised by strong partnerships with schools and we are committed to continuing in this way. We recognise and celebrate that there is significant expertise to draw on to ensure that high quality provision prevails.

The Initial Teacher Education community is one which is determinedly collaborative and we are delighted to have worked with our Lead Partners to shape a curriculum, programme and structures for delivery.

Much has changed since our inception, not least of which is the introduction of the Early Career Framework and the subsequent recognition of the role of mentoring by expert school-based staff.

Although we operate at scale, we recognise that education is a human business; relationships are at the heart of all we do. If you are a school who is not part of the partnership but you are interested in becoming so, please do complete the form below.

Details of the different routes trainees can take are included briefly below and in full detail in the 'ITT Routes Explained Flyer' attached below. 

Summary of the routes available with Lincolnshire ITT
Route 1 Academic year training course? School to pay Lincolnshire ITT Fees? GOV funding available for the school?
Tuition fee trainee Yes Sept-July No No
Salaried trainee Yes Sept-July Yes Subject dependent
Apprentice 1 year plus end point assessment Yes - via Levy Subject dependent
Assessment Only Route (AOR) No training. 12 week maximum Yes No