Lincolnshire SCITT

Information Events

We regularly host online information events, providing you with an opportunity to meet the team and find out more about our ITT programme. 

Primary & Secondary Online Recruitment Events 2024-25
  Wednesday 12th February, 4.30-5.30pm
Tuesday 4th March, 5-6pm Monday 17th March, 6-7pm
Thursday 3rd April, 4-5pm   Wednesday 7th May, 5-6pm
Thursday 22nd May, 4-5pm Wednesday 18th June, 6-7pm

All sessions are free and will be hosted through Microsoft Teams. 

To register your interest and obtain the link, please complete the below form:

Please complete the fields below to send us an Online Enquiry.

Should you be unable to attend one of our recruitment events, we would be happy to arrange a telephone conversation with you to discuss our ITT programme, Please contact us.