Lincolnshire SCITT

Kate: Primary Planning Day

"I am heading into the fourth week of teacher training and so far I am still finding time to sleep and eat!"

The LTSA training course is structured so that trainees spend 80% of the week in schools, the other 20% of the week is spent at insightful and informative training days. I am heading into the fourth week of teacher training and so far I am still finding time to sleep and eat!


Most recently we received training from Amy Wells on planning. Prior to this training session, planning was definitely one of those mind-boggling things which I had struggled to get my head around. Thankfully, the training session has left me feeling well equipped to successfully plan lessons in the future, with a little more confidence too. I believe this is because of the engaging delivery of the session, Amy planned her session in the same format we, as trainees, are expected to plan our lessons. The training session was delivered logically following the order in which you would plan a lesson and we were given extensive explanations into the key aspects of a lesson plan. We were given the opportunity to work in groups and contribute to group discussions which meant we could assist with each other's learning.


At the start of the session Success Criteria was definitely a grey area for me, I wasn’t entirely sure what it was and what needed to be included in it. Following the session I now understand success criteria as the instructions you need to bake the cake aka learning objective.


To demonstrate what we had learnt from the session in groups we were asked to plan a lesson in the LTSA planning format and deliver its content to the group where we received feedback from Amy. Just like a lesson this gave us the opportunity to practice and apply what we had learnt to ensure we would be able to plan a lesson within our practice.

Now that I have a clear understanding of how to plan a lesson it will definitely be a less daunting experience and will ensure that I create lessons which are tailored to the children’s needs whilst being engaging and informative.

