Lincolnshire SCITT

Brogan: My year on LTSA SCITT

My year on the LTSA SCITT, has been the most challenging year I have had so far, but by far the most rewarding! Having worked as an instructor in a special school, for pupils with social, emotional and mental health needs, for two years before beginning my training year - I found myself in a slightly different position initially to other trainees. However, LTSA have been very accommodating and understanding of my background and I have felt supported throughout.

Weekly training days have been invaluable for my own personal development; and provides a great opportunity to share experience with other trainees and gain and an understanding of how things work in different settings. I have really enjoyed hearing from the LTSA team share their ideas from the wealth of experience they have, and also many different guest speakers.

Having only worked in special education previously, my second school placement was a particularly daunting experience. Going from teaching a class of just nine pupils to a class of thirty plus pupils, from a very different student demographic, required me to adapt my practice slightly. Stepping outside my comfort zone, and developing my practice in a different setting has been extremely beneficial, and increased my confidence massively - there are lots of ideas I have developed which I plan to develop in my specialist setting going forward.