Lincolnshire SCITT

Eleanor: Planning an English lesson

As part of our Topic this term the children are learning about Rainforests. Therefore, as part of their English lessons this week and last the children created a new species from the rainforest, planned, edited and then wrote up their newspaper report about the discovery of the new species.

As I am a School Direct salaried trainee I now have the responsibility of the class and I plan all subjects for the children. For the English it was essential that the lessons were adapted to tailor the needs of the children to ensure that all children were able to contribute and be engaged within the tasks set. Through this, I ensured my instructions and expectations were clear and concise. I included a modelled example of the newspaper report for children to refer to as well as makaton symbols as a visual aide for children.  I also adjusted the success criteria to the children’s needs as there are varied abilities and SEN.

In addition, I was observed by my mentor on one of these lessons. The observation went well and I was really pleased with how smoothly the lesson went.

Lastly, through taking on the responsibility of planning English and other subjects it has made me reflect on the ways in which I plan to ensure that it is clear and enables children within the class to achieve and contribute thus helping to ensure that they are making progress