Lincolnshire SCITT

An Introduction to Senior Leadership

Audience: Secondary middle leaders looking to move into senior leadership in the next 1-3 years, or recently appointed senior leaders. 

Dates to follow soon

Intent: To develop the key practical skills which are fundamental to the role of senior leader

Implementation: The programme will:

  • analyse what effective senior leaders do
  • investigate how curriculum influences everything senior leaders do
  • provide tools for evaluation
  • help delegates consider how an effective leader establishes improvement priorities
  • provide opportunities for discussion about how improvement strategies are best implemented across a whole school
  • enable delegates to consider how they can best optimise the performance of everyone in the school
  • explain how school and personal improvement can be sustained

Impact: Following the programme:

  • leadership effectiveness will be enhanced
  • a leadership culture will be established
  • strategies for improving the quality of education for young people will be shared