Lincolnshire SCITT

Leaders of Governance (NLGs/LLGs)

Lincolnshire has a team of experienced governance support consultants to help governing boards to strengthen their work and to respond effectively to the ever-increasing demands being made on them.

Support can be in the form of phone calls, email correspondence, face-to-face meetings, attendance at governance meetings etc.

Examples of support include:

  • Support for new chairs
  • Support for setting up effective MAT governance arrangements
  • Support for self-review and peer-to-peer review
  • Supporting strategic planning – vision, values, strategic procedures
  • Review and development of governance documentation
  • Supporting self-/peer-review using the review tool

Cost: £450 per day / £225 per half-day equivalent

For Further information or to arrange Leaders of Governance Support, please email or phone 01522 553240