Ellen: Becoming an LTSA SCITT trainee

I am currently writing this during the penultimate week of Autumn term 2, which means it is nearly Christmas. Although, from now on I will always remember the word Christmas as being one of the year two common exception words, that is one of the many interesting things I have learnt so far this year.
I was extremely apprehensive about starting my teacher training, for several reasons really, I hoped that it was going to live up to my expectations, I hoped that I was going to enjoy it as much as I thought I would, and I hoped that it would be a ‘pinch me’ moment for being able to live out my dream. I can honestly say it has been the most incredible term and I am very excited and apprehensive about what’s to come. I have become immersed amongst the buzz and thrill of working in a primary school, it has given me the opportunity to work as part of a team and to learn from a group of experienced and knowledgeable members of staff.
When I look back over the last term, I feel an overwhelming sense of pride at what I have achieved so far. It was really important to me to get to know the children to not only understand their academic struggles but to learn about them as people, to learn their favourite food, their favourite colour, their likes and their dislikes. This was instrumental in being able to plan well thought out lessons that I was proud of. I had never experienced that moment when they point out something you have taught them, whether that be an exclamatory sentence or a particular spelling pattern. It fills me with such joy to see that I am having an impact, that I am teaching them something they don’t already know. I could go on for hours about all of the memorable moments I have had throughout the term but honestly displaying the Christmas cards they have written me on my mantlepiece is up there with one of my favourites.
I cannot speak highly enough of LTSA, they go to extraordinary lengths to ensure we all feel supported, comfortable, and empowered to reach our potential as teachers. When I initially applied for the course last year; I had not given the course structure much thought, I have been blown away at the consideration and effort that goes into tailoring the course to suit our needs as trainees. There are a number of individuals I could email regarding anything and they all would be more than happy to assist in any way they could. My mentor has been unbelievably helpful, she is an excellent, experienced teacher and I have already learnt so much whilst working with her this term. It is very easy to feel overwhelmed and out of your depth when you’re stood at the front of the classroom, everything you have ever learnt just escapes your mind. My mentor helped me feel at ease, to remember it’s okay to not know everything and to enjoy the journey of becoming a teacher. This is a journey that means everything to me, and I am thankful to everyone I have supporting me along the way.