Rhys: Settling into school
I have been learning to teach for the last two months on this course and have loved it so far. I really like how the process is gradual, with more and more to do each week depending on progress within the school.
I have found myself teaching more as the weeks have gone on after observing my mentor a lot which has given me a great deal of experience and knowledge.
I have found that the lessons I have taught have gone well overall, especially a PSHE lesson on bullying that I thoroughly enjoyed delivering. I was able to engage the children in great discussions on what they would do if they saw bullying, the types of bullying and who they could go to talk to about it. The lesson also included drawing a person’s feelings if they were bullied and the children stayed on task and behaved very well. This lesson was a joy to teach and I find that the more lessons I teach, the more confidence I gain.
I hope that the rest of the year can continue and I gain more and more experience in the classroom.