Thomas: Becoming a SCITT trainee

Well, what can I say about this year so far? It’s been a great start to my journey and I feel like I have already learned so much in this first term! Having gone back and forth on deciding whether to go for it and become a teacher, I can safely say this has been a great decision!
Having already been a Primary PE teacher within my school for the previous two years, I had the benefit of knowing the staff and the children from day one, and was confident in the knowledge I would be working and training alongside a great team of professionals. One of the things I was most looking forward to was being able to spend all week (apart from our Friday training day) in my school and really getting to know everyone! This was not to say, however, that I wasn’t anxious, I definitely was! It felt so different going from teaching PE all day, every day, to then have to think about all the other stuff! A challenging yet enjoyable difference!
Being based in a mixed year 1/2 class has been perfect for me, somewhat because I’m a bit of a big kid anyway! But mainly because I feel right at home teaching them. After observing my mentor in the first few weeks, to now having taught a few whole class lessons, I’m pretty eager to crack on and teach even more. For me, this just confirms that this is what I want to do!
So, if you’ve been in the same boat as I have been, debating whether or not you want to train to be a teacher, go for it, chances are, it’ll be the best decision you ever make (apart from reading this blog of course…)
Thank you for reading, if indeed, you still are!