Lincolnshire SCITT

Pupil Premium Review

Pupil Premium Reviews 2020-21.

The approach to pupil premium and the reviews of pupil premium spend continue to develop.  New paperwork has been released in order to support schools with the development of their pupil premium strategy.  When schools are using the new paperwork to develop their pupil premium strategy they are encouraged to utilise the guidance from the Teaching Schools Council below.  This will help ensure that the appropriate discussions and reflection take place.

Lincolnshire Teachings Schools are still able to offer Pupil Premium Reviews as they have previously been carried out but expect the demand for these to continue to reduce.

Teaching Schools and Pupil Premium Reviewers are moving to a Pupil Premium Partner approach.  Using this model the reviews will have a more developmental focussed approach which will more effectively support schools to develop their work.

If you are interested in commissioning support focussed on pupil premium then please contact

For costs please see the table below:

Model LTSA Schools Non-LTSA Schools

3 day model:

Half a day of preparation, a visit by two trained PP reviewers and half a day report writing

£1350 £1650

5 day model:

As above with, in addition, 1 day for action planning with the school in the light of the review and a 1 day follow up visit around 6 months after the review

£2250 £2650

For further details please email: and one of our team will contact you to discuss it further.